Tapping into Your Inner CEO

TAPPING INTO YOUR INNER CEO SELF-LEADERSHIP . Written by contributing authors from Jamaica, South Africa, Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, Hong Kong, the U.K., and the United States, this book is a must-read for women internationally who seek next strategies for self-leadership. Chapter 6 is written by Australia’s Lisa Askwith and focuses on leadership and culture. It should be included within the library of every organization and corporation globally which supports women in leadership positions.
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.   Written by contributing authors from Jamaica,

South Africa, Australia, Mexico, New Zealand,

Hong Kong, the U.K., and the United States,

this book is a must-read for women

internationally who seek next strategies for

self-leadership. Chapter 6 is written by Australia’s

Lisa Askwith and focuses on leadership and



It should be included within the library of

every organization and corporation globally

which supports women in leadership positions.


To lead others, a woman must be able to

lead herself. This book provides strategies

for self-prioritization, gaining clarity about

goals, and taking women to a higher level

of self- understanding and personal

leadership in every aspect of their lives.




Media may contact:

Professional Woman Publishing

Email: prowoman@prodigy.net

Web address: www.pwnbooks.com


Retail price: $19.95

200 pages

ISBN: 978-0-9858142-0-5

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